Eunectes murinus

(Yeşil anakonda sayfasından yönlendirildi)

Eunectes murinus, Eunectes cinsine bağlı zehirsiz bir yılan türüdür.[4][5] Güney Amerika ve Trinidad'da bulunur. En büyük ve en ağır yılanlar listesindedir ve Malayopython reticulatusdan sonra dünyadaki en ağır yılandır.

Eunectes murinus
Yaşadığı dönem aralığı: 2,58-0 myö
Alt pleyistosen-Günümüz[1] 
Korunma durumu

Asgari endişe altında (IUCN 3.1)[2]
Biyolojik sınıflandırma Bu sınıflandırmayı düzenle
Âlem: Animalia
Şube: Chordata
Sınıf: Squamata
Familya: Boidae
Cins: Eunectes
Tür: E. murinus
İkili adlandırma
Eunectes murinus
(Linnaeus, 1758)
Sinonimler [3]
  • [Boa] murina Linnaeus, 1758
  • [Boa] Scytale Linnaeus, 1758
  • Boa gigas Latreille, 1802
  • Boa anacondo Daudin, 1803
  • Boa aquatica Wied-Neuwied, 1824
  • Eunectes murinus Wagler, 1830
  • Eunectes murina Gray, 1831
  • Eunectes murinus Boulenger, 1893
  • Eunectes scytale Stull, 1935
  • [Eunectes murinus] murinus
    Dunn & Conant, 1936
  • Eunectes barbouri
    Dunn & Conant, 1936
  • Eunectes murinus murinus
    – Dunn, 1944
  • Eunectes akayima Rivas et al., 2024



Yaklaşık 5,21 m (17 ft 1 in) uzunluğa erişebildiğinden dünyadaki en ağır ve uzun yılanlardan biridir.[6] Dişiler erkeklerden genel olarak daha büyüktür. Tipik yetişkin dişi 5 m (16 ft 5 in) uzunluğa erişebilirken, ortalama 4,6 m (15 ft 1 in) uzunluğundadır. Erkekler ortalama 3 m (9 ft 10 in) uzunluğundadır.[7][8][9] Ağırlıklarıyla ilgili araştırmalar daha az olsa da tipik yetişkin yaklaşık 30-80 kg (66-176 lb) arasındadır.[10][11][12]

Türle ilgili 11-12 m (35-40 ft) uzunluğa veya daha da uzun oldukları bilinse de fiziki deliller veya müzelerde bulunmamasından dolayı kayıtlara geçen bulunmamaktadır.[13] En ağır ve en uzun olan tü, 1000'den fazla Eunectes türü incelemiş olan Dr. Jesús Antonio Rivas[14] tarafından onaylanan 5,21 m (17 ft 1 in) uzunluğunda ve 97,5 kg (214 lb 15 oz) ağırlığındaki dişidir.[6]

Konuyla ilgili yayınlar

  • Dirksen, Lutz; Böhme, Wolfgang (31 Aralık 1998). "Studien an Anakondas 2: Zum taxonomischen Status von Eunectes murinus gigas (Latreille, 1801) (Serpentes: Boidae), mit neuen Ergebnissen zur Gattung Eunectes Wagler, 1830". Salamandra (Almanca). 34 (4). ss. 359-374. 
  • Dirksen, Lutz (2002). Anakondas. Monographische Revision der Gattung Eunectes (Wagler, 1830) (Almanca). Münster: Natur und Tier-Verlag. ISBN 3-931587-43-6. 
  • Rivas, Jesús; Muñoz, María C.; Thorbjarnarson, John B.; Burghardt, Gordon M.; Holmstrom, William; Calle, Paul P. (2007). "Natural History of the green anaconda (Eunectes murinus) in the Venezuelan llanos". Henderson, Robert W.; Powell, Robert (Ed.). Biology of the Boas and Pythons (PDF). Eagle Mountain, Utah: Eagle Mountain Publishing. ss. 129-138. ISBN 978-0972015431. 18 Temmuz 2011 tarihinde kaynağından (PDF) arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 30 Temmuz 2012. 
  • McDiarmid, Roy W., Jonathan A. Campbell, and T'Shaka A. Touré, 1999. Snake Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, vol. 1. xi + 511.
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  • Calle, P. P.. Rivas J. A. Muñoz, M. C. Thorbjarnarson, J. B. Holmstrom, W. and W. B. Karesh. (2001) Infectious Disease serologic survey in free-ranging Venezuelan anacondas (Eunectes murinus).: Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 32(3): 320-323
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  • Hamdan, B. & R. M. Lira-da-Silva (2012) The snakes of Bahia State, northeastern Brazil: species richness, composition and biogeographical notes.: Salamandra 48 (1): 31-50
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  • McDiarmid, R.W.; Campbell, J.A. & Touré,T.A. (1999) Snake species of the world. Vol. 1.: Herpetologists' League, 511 pp
  • Mößle, R. (2012) Haltung, Pflege und Zucht der Großen Anakonda (Eunectes murinus).: Terraria Elaphe 2012 (4): 22-32
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  • Reed, R.N. and G.H. Rodda (2009) Giant Constrictors: Biological and Management Profiles and an Establishment Risk Assessment for Nine Large Species of Pythons, Anacondas, and the Boa Constrictor.: U.S. Geological Survey, xviii + 323 pp.
  • Rivas, J. A. (1998) Predatory attack of a green anaconda (Eunectes murinus) on an adult human.: Herpetological Natural History 6 (2): 157-159
  • Rivas, J. A. (2001) Feasibility and efficiency of transmitter force-feeding in studying the reproductive biology of large snakes.: Herpetological Natural History 8 (1): 93-95
  • Rivas, J. A. (2007) Conservation of Anacondas: How Tylenol conservation and macroeconomics threaten the Survival of the world's largest snake.: Iguana 10-21
  • Rivas, J. A., Thorbjarnarson, J. B., Owens, R. Y and M. C, Muñoz, (1999) Eunectes murinus: caiman predation.: Herpetological Review 30 (2): 101
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  • Cole, Charles J.; Carol R. Townsend, Robert P. Reynolds, Ross D. MacCulloch, and Amy Lathrop (2013) Amphibians and reptiles of Guyana, South America: illustrated keys, annotated species accounts, and a biogeographic synopsis.: Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 125 (4): 317-578; plates: 580-620
  • Dirksen, Lutz (2002) Anakondas.: Natur und Tier Verlag (Münster), 190 pp.
  • Duellman, W. E. (2005) Cusco Amazo´nico: The Lives of Amphibians and Reptiles in an Amazonian Rainforest.: Comstock Pub Assoc.
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  • Dunn,E.R. & Conant,R. (1936) Notes on anacondas, with descriptions of two new species.: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 88: 503-506
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  • INFANTE-RIVERO E., M. NATERA-MUMAW A. MARCANO (2008) Extension of the distribution of Eunectes murinus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Helicops angulatus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Venezuela, with notes on ophiophagia.: Herpetotropicos 4 (1): 39
  • Jan, G. (1864) Iconographie générale des ophidiens. 6. Livraison.: J.B. Bailière et Fils, Paris
  • Lamonica, R.C.; ABRAHA~O-CHARLES, H.; LOGUERCIO, M. F. C. & ROCHA-BARBOSA, O. (2007) Growth, Shedding and Food Intake in Captive Eunectes murinus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Serpentes: Boidae).: Int. J. Morphol. 25 (1): 103-108
  • Morato, S.A.A.; A.M.X. Lima; D.C.P. Staut; R.G. Faria; J.P. Souza-Alves; S.F. Gouveia; M.R.C. Scupino; R. Gomes; M.J. Silva. (2011) Amphibians and Reptiles of the Refúgio de Vida Silvestre Mata do Junco, municipality of Capela, state of Sergipe, northeastern Brazil.: Check List 7 (6): 756-762
  • ROBERTSON, M.M.K. (1998) CÙro de SucurÌ.: Reptiles Sep. 1998: 36-38
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  • Rivas, J. A.; Ascanio R. & M. D Muñoz. (2008) What is the length of a snake?.: Contemporary Herpetology 2008 (2): 1-3
  • Rivas, J. Muñoz, M, Burghardt, G. and J Thorbjarnarson (2007) Sexual size dimorphism and mating system of the Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus). pp: 312-325 In: R. W. Henderson, R. and Powell, G. W. (eds.), Biology of Boas, Pythons, and Related Taxa.: Eagle Mountain Publishing Company, Eagle Mountain
  • Schmidt, Dieter (2010) Vermehrung und Zucht von Riesenschlangen.: Draco 11 (44): 4-17
  • Strimple, Peter D. (1993) Overview of the natural history of the green anaconda (Eunectes murinus).: Herpetological Natural History 1 (1): 25-35
  • Vaz-Silva, W. et al. (2007) Herpetofauna, Espora Hydroelectric Power Plant, state of Goia´s, Brazil.: Check List 3 (4): 338-345
  • Wied-Neuwied, M. (1824) Verzeichniss der Amphibien, welche im zweyten Bande der Naturgeschichte Brasiliens vom Prinz Max von Neuwied werden beschrieben werden.: Isis von Oken 14: 661—673
  • BERNARDE, P.S., ALBUQUERQUE, S., BARROS, T.O. & TURCI, L.C.B. (2012) Serpentes do Estado de Rondônia, Brasil.: Biota Neotrop. 12(3): 1-29
  • Beebe, William (1946) Field notes on the snakes of Kartabo, British Guiana, and Caripito, Venezuela.: Zoologica 31: 11-52
  • Bellosa, Henry & Ralf Mössle (2009) Freilandforschung und Terrarienbeobachtung als sich ergänzende Methoden am Beispiel der Großen Anakonda (Eunectes murinus).: Ophidia 3 (1)
  • Bernarde, Paulo Se´rgio;, Reginaldo Asse^ncio Machado & Luiz Carlos Batista Turci (2011) Herpetofauna da a´rea do Igarape´ Esperanc¸a na Reserva Extrativista Riozinho da Liberdade, Acre – Brasil.: Biota Neotrop. 11 (3): 117-144
  • Dirksen, L. (2000) Zur Kenntnis der Anakonda-Arten (Serpentes: Boidae: Eunectes). II: Eunectes murinus(Linnaeus, 1758).: Herpetofauna 22 (126): 23-34
  • Dirksen, L. & W BÖHME (1998) Studien an Anakondas 1: Indizien für natürliche Bastardierung zwischen der Großen Anakonda (Eunectes murinus) und der Paraguay-Anakonda (Eunectes notaeus) in Bolivien, mit Anmerkungen zur Taxonomie der Gattung Eunectes (Reptilia: Squamata: Serpentes:: Zool. Abh. Mus. Tierkd. Dresden, 50 (4) : 45-58.
  • Dirksen, Lutz (2007) Rekordhalter einer Großen Anakonda in Gefangenschaft.: Ophidia 1 (2)
  • Marques, R., M.S. Tino^co, D. Couto- Ferreira, C.P. Fazolato, H.C. Browne-Ribeiro, M.L.O. Travassos, M.A. Dias & J.V.L. Mota (2011) Reserva Imbassai´ Restinga: inventory of snakes on the northern coast of Bahia, Brazil.: Journal of Threatened Taxa 3 (11): 2184–2191
  • Ryerson, William G. and Sara Horwitz. (2014) Eunectes murinus (green anaconda) behavior / sidewinding.: Herpetological Review 45 (2): 337-338
  • Starace, Fausto (1998) Guide des Serpents et Amphisbènes de Guyane.: IBIS Rouge Editions, Guadeloupe, Guyane, 450 pp.
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  • Trutnau,L. (1982) Einige Bemerkungen über die neuweltlichen Riesenschlangen der Gattung Eunectes Wagler 1830.: Herpetofauna 4 (17): 14-21
  • Wagler, Jean G. (1830) Natürliches System der Amphibien, mit vorangehender Classification der Säugetiere und Vögel. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Zoologie. 1.0.: Cotta, München, Stuttgart, and Tübingen, 354 pp
  • Bellosa, H. (2003) Record Snake Fascination.: Reptilia (GB) (27): 28-30
  • Bellosa, H., L. Dirksen & M. Auliya (2007) Faszination Riesenschlangen - Mythos, Fakten und Geschichten.: BLV-Verlag, 160 pp.
  • Calle, P., Rivas, J., Muñoz M., Thorbjarnarson, J., Dierenfeld, E. Holmstrom, W. Braselton, E. and Karesh W. (1994) Health assessment of free-ranging anacondas (Eunectes murinus) in Venezuela.: Jour. Zoo. Wildl. Med. 25: 53-62


  1. ^ Hsiou, Annie; Winck, Gisele; Schubert, Blaine; dos Santos Avilla, Leonardo (1 Haziran 2013). "On the Presence of Eunectos Murinus (Squamata, Serpentes) from the Late Pleistocene of Northern Brazil". Revista Brasileira de paleontologia. 16 (1). 
  2. ^ Calderón, M.; Ortega, A.; Scott, N.; Cacciali, P.; Nogueira, C. de C.; Gagliardi, G.; Catenazzi, A.; Cisneros-Heredia, D. F.; Hoogmoed, M.S.; Schargel, W.; Rivas, G.; Murphy, J. (22 Kasım 2014), "Eunectes murinus", IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), doi:10.2305/  Accessed 2022-04-08.
  3. ^ McDiarmid, R. W.; Campbell, J. A.; Toure, T. (1999). Snake Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. 1. Washington, District of Columbia: Herpetologists' League. ISBN 1893777014. 
  4. ^ "GBIF". 19 Aralık 2022 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 25 Mart 2024. 
  5. ^ "PaleoBioDB". 31 Mart 2024 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 25 Mart 2024. 
  6. ^ a b Pizzatto, Lígia; Marques, Otavio; Facure, Kátia (2009). "Food habits of Brazilian boid snakes: overview and new data, with special reference to Corallus hortulanus". Amphibia-Reptilia. 30 (4). Brill Publishers. ss. 533-544. doi:10.1163/156853809789647121. ISSN 0173-5373. 30 Mart 2024 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 31 Mart 2024. 
  7. ^ O'Shea 2007.
  8. ^ Minton, Sherman A.; Minton, Madge Rutherford (1973). Giant Reptiles. New York: Scribners. ISBN 0684132672. 
  9. ^ Rivas, Jesús; Burghardt, Gordon (30 Ocak 2001). "Understanding Sexual Size Dimorphism in Snakes: wearing the snake's shoes". Animal Behaviour. 62 (3). ss. F1-F6. doi:10.1006/anbe.2001.1755. 
  10. ^ Pope, Clifford Millhouse (1961). The Giant Snakes: The Natural History of the Boa Constrictor, the Anaconda, and the Largest Pythons, Including Comparative Facts about Other Snakes and Basic Information on Reptiles in General. New York: Knopf. ASIN B000T8CAN8. 
  11. ^ Duellman, W. (2005). Cusco Amazónico: The Lives of Amphibians and Reptiles in an Amazonian Rainforest. Comstock Books in Herpetology. Ithaca, New York: Comstock Publishing Associates. ISBN 0801439973. 
  12. ^ Murphy, John C.; Crutchfield, Tom (March 2019). Giant Snakes: A Natural History (PDF) (İngilizce). Book Services. s. 13. ISBN 978-1-64516-232-2. [ölü/kırık bağlantı]
  13. ^ Murphy, John C.; Henderson, Robert W. (1997). Tales of Giant Snakes: A Historical Natural History of Anacondas and Pythons. Malabar, Florida: Krieger Publishing Company. ISBN 0-89464-995-7. 
  14. ^ Rivas, Jesús. "Life history and conservation of the green anaconda (Eunectes murinus)". 3 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. 

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