
Doğruluğu ve Kaynağı Belirtilmeli


Bu maddeki, sayıların doğruluğundan şüpheliyim. Ayrıca, kaynak belirtilmeli... --FangornMesaj 21:58, 24 Temmuz 2009 (UTC)

19. yy boyunca isyan ettikleri bilgisi nereden? Tek bir isyan var sadece. kaynak bulursam düzelteceğim. --3210kingMesaj 2 Temmuz 2010

The Syriac Maronite Church


This Artice need to be edited.

The "Maronites" are a Syriac Church who split from the Syriac Orthodox Church in the 7th century. They are not a separate ethinc group, they belong to the Syriac people, and the west syriac-rite.

Here is the official Website of the Syriac Maronite Patriach as a source. http://www.bkerkelb.org/english/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=143:-introduction&catid=35:maronite-identity-&Itemid=55 http://www.bkerkelb.org/english/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=143:-introduction&catid=35:maronite-identity-&Itemid=55

Can someone correct this who speak better Turkish than me. ThanksElvis214 16:13, 30 Ekim 2011 (UTC)

The article already classifies the Maronites as a religious group. As the content is not about the church, but the people who belong to the Syriac Maronite Church, the move to "Syriac Maronite Church" would not be right at the moment. According to the article, the only place where they are considered as an ethnic group is Cyprus, and the article about Maronites of Cyprus includes sources confirming this, and as a Cypriot, I can also personally confirm this. But I see the point there, and the move will be correct if necessary changes are made. --seksen 17:40, 30 Ekim 2011 (UTC)
The page has been moved. However, as the Patriarchy uses the name "Maronite Church", the "Syriac" part has not been included. Thanks for your enlightenment. --seksen 17:53, 30 Ekim 2011 (UTC)

Türkçesi: --seksen 17:55, 30 Ekim 2011 (UTC)

Bu maddenin düzenlenmesi gerek.

"Maruniler" Süryani Ortodoks Kilisesi'nden 7. yüzyılda ayrılan bir Süryani kilisesidir. Ayrı bir etnik grup değildirler, Süryani halkının bir parçasıdırlar.

Maruni Patrikliği'nin resmi sitesini bir kaynak olarak veriyorum. http://www.bkerkelb.org/english/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=143:-introduction&catid=35:maronite-identity-&Itemid=55 http://www.bkerkelb.org/english/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=143:-introduction&catid=35:maronite-identity-&Itemid=55

Türkçeyi benden daha iyi bilen biri bunu düzeltebilir mi? Teşekkürler. Elvis214 16:13, 30 Ekim 2011 (UTC)

"Maruniler" sayfasına geri dön.