English: A two-dimensional "crystal" in direct space, and its reciprocal lattice[1]. Note that the reciprocal-lattice or g-vectors (e.g. a* and b*) are parallel to the "d-spacing gaps", but not to the direct-lattice vectors (e.g. a and b). Also note the shape transform of the crystal convolving each of the "diffraction spots" in the panel at right. The pattern for this lattice in integer-pixel terms was simply a ∝ {2, -1, 0} & b ∝ {1, 4, 0}.
↑P. Fraundorf, Bernard J. Feldman, W. Garver, M. Freeman, D. Proctor (2013) "Microwave Bragg-diffraction zone-axis-pattern analysis", arXiv:1307.7663 [physics.ed-ph].
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